Saturday 5 May 2012

Chess960 Enthusiasm

28 APRIL 2012

Chess960 Enthusiasm

A frequent preoccupation of chess960 fans is to analyze opening sequences for all 960 start positions. Whether this is worth doing or not is a good topic for discussion. It's not something I would like to do, but other players obviously think otherwise.One angle I hadn't seen before can be found on Chessplay's Youtube channel. A couple of keen players are playing each start position -- twice (switching colors) -- and filming it. The purpose of the stunt is partly to promote the online play site
Not being a member, I couldn't tell whether the site is a live play or a correspondence site, nor whether chess960 is on offer as an option; I'll find out as soon as I can. The site has a blog with a smattering of chess960 posts, like Fischer Random 960 "ChessChallenge" is to Play all Start Positions OTB in 5min Blitz Fun! (scroll down to find the post from 21 February 2012):-
We are playing all the start positions in this great chessfun game that the greatest and most talented chess player left for us to enjoy the "Chess Challenges" on 64 squares with the 960 random chess pieces staring back at you as you search the squares to find a better move! Enjoy the videos for the chessfun that we are sharing with you and spare a chess thought for "Bobby Fischer" the Creator!
Now that's enthusiasm!

Its Just a Matter of ChessTime to reach this Start position!

Sunday 8 January 2012

anyone else playing..."well attempting" to Play all FRChess960 Start Positions??

anyone else playing..."well attempting" to Play all FRChess960 Start Positions??

Check out a few Chess960 ChessFun Vids.....5min Blitz OTB with the ChessClock tick-tocking- ticking along!